Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Much Needed Reminder

Thought for the Day: “Many of us are always the ones that seem to need to be strong for everyone else. We are the providers, the caregivers, the listeners, the mothers, the fathers, the protectors, the “go-to” people… And when the day is done who do we have to turn to to be the strong one for us? God… He is always waiting to give us His shoulder to lean on.” Have a great day today everyone! – Elmer Laydon


  1. You have a great day, too, Diva! xox

  2. May you always find strength Diva dear.

  3. This is so true, Diva. And when the strong ones want to lay their burdens down so they can rest, the place to do it is at His feet.

  4. Indeed that is a great reminder! xoxo
